Prodigal Coffee

4.6 / 5


Reviews Total
4.6 / 5
Recommended by
12 out of 12 users
Daniel Verified Customer March 5
Robert Verified Customer March 3
Renowned coffee roastery
Very acidic and citrusy
Very hard coffee to dial in on espresso, might be cause it’s older (but month and a half should not be an issue for light roast) or packaging (first time that I saw Prodigal bag without the filter for excess CO2 from beans, so might have gone stale quicker)
Very acidic and strong lemon and lime notes, others are being overwhelmed so doesn’t feel so balanced as one is used to from Scott Rao
I suspect the beans might not be ideally roasted as they feel underdeveloped and cup underextracted even after thorough experimenting with temperatures, grind and yield ratio.. might be more suitable for filter
Metoda přípravy: espresso
Káva (g): 16,5 g
Voda (g): 50-55 g
Teplota vody: 95-98 Celsius
Mlýnek (nastavení): 0,3-0,1 on P64 Lagom
Proces: modern espresso, pressure profiling on Bianca
Kydlicek Tomas Verified Customer Show Original February 10
Complex flavors
Coffee "for everyone"
She wasn't particularly surprised by anything
It does not arouse taste emotions
Preparation method: AeroPress
Coffee (g): 17g
Water (g): soft, 250 ml
Water temperature: 95 degrees Celsius
Grinder (settings): Commandante, 14 cranks
Process: extraction 4 min
Caspy Verified Customer December 28
Jan Verified Customer November 30