Rwanda Rushashi

by Caffka

4.4(5 votes)
Sold Out
Coffee Origin
Rwanda specialty coffee Rwanda
Roast Type
Flavour Profile
Earl Grey, Tropical fruit
Roast Level
Light to Medium Light
Brewing Method
Aeropress, Chemex, Clever dripper, French Press, Hario V60, Vacuum Pot

About Caffka

Our coffee journey began back in 2009 when we discovered the first speciality coffee shop in the Czech Republic, La Boheme Cafe. It was such an unforgettable experience for us, we’ll always remember that first taste of enchantingly-good coffee. We bought our first coffee machine, the Dalla Carte, and our first grinder, and it cost us about as much as a heavily used car. From that day, we've been learning, travelling, exploring, and tasting. In 2012 we founded our speciality Espressobar in Česke Budějovice, and a year later a coffee shop Černé oči porcelánových šálků. And we’re very proud that we could be the first to introduce the world of speciality coffee to our hometown.

Because we view our coffee journey as an ever-evolving process, we decided to hand over the baton to our baristas in 2015 and move to Prague. A year later, in the spring of 2016, we founded our very own speciality coffee roastery, Caffka. It was the natural and logical next step in our journey towards coffee, thanks to which we’ve been able to increase our knowledge and get a little bit closer to understanding the story of each coffee bean.

We put a lot of emphasis on running a transparent business with our farmers, distributors and final customers. The information that we provide about coffee doesn't end after the name of the region, it goes without saying that we always know the exact farmer and the plantation where our coffee was grown. We know the entire process, from harvest to roasting. We prioritise sustainability and a fair-trade market. We only chose green bean distributors, who are in direct contact with farmers, which gives us the assurance that the farmers get fair compensation for their hard work. A priority when choosing our coffee is obviously also quality, which you can taste in each cup of brew. Endless lists of certificates don't play a key role in our choices. We've patterned with the companies This Side Up and Panama Varietals, who share our common values.

Our coffee journey changes every day depending on where we are and what we're doing. We drink and prepare different coffee at home, at work, at our cafes or outside. Despite being a micro-roastery and our offer rarely exceeds 6 types of coffees at a time, we always try to make sure that our coffee is as varied as possible. We always have coffee available for the preparation of espresso or Aeropress, filter coffee and even cold extraction (cold brew). 

Come on our coffee journey with us.

Tereza, Kateřina, Ondřej


Reviews (5x)

Reviews Total
4.4 / 5
Recommended by
5 out of 5 users
MattB Verified Customer August 24, 2017
Hanka Verified Customer June 27, 2017
Pavel Cachro Show Original April 13, 2017
It tastes like peach tea on the V60, but its potential is best realized on the Aeropress. Acidity will intensify and the body will improve! You will clap your hands.
Katerina Spidlenova Show Original April 10, 2017
Excellent filter coffee, rich fruity taste. I also tasted it as a cold drip and it was unforgettable!
Ludek Polivka Show Original April 7, 2017
Surprisingly, not much aroma, according to the description I expected higher acidity.


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About Farmer

Družstvo Abakundakawa
1700 – 2000 m.n.m.
About Farmer

Družstvo bylo založeno v roce 1999 a od té doby ušlo dlouhou cestu. Celý proces zpracování kávy se výrazně zdokonalil (zejména dlouhý fermentační proces, který inspiruje další zpracovatele kávy), snaží se pracovat udržitelně, ekologicky, progresivně, zároveň velmi transparentně. Výsledkem je nezapomenutelná, komplexní, čistá káva, která získala několikrát ocenění v Cup of Excellence, 3.místo v roce 2010, 11.místo v roce 2014.

Důležité je zmínit také sociální působení družstva Abakundakawa v regionu, družstvo podporuje ženské organizace, které po rwandské genocidě vyzdvihují ženská práva a posilují postavení žen ve společnosti. V rámci této podpory ženy pod značkou „produced by woman“ vlastní, pěstují a zpracovávají kávu.