Kolumbie TWO FACE

by Playground Coffee

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Playground Coffee
Coffee Origin
Colombia specialty coffee Colombia
La Veta
Roast Type
Omni (recommended for both Filter & Espresso Coffee)
Flavour Profile
Tangerines, Marzipan
Roast Level
Brewing Method
Aeropress, Chemex, Clever dripper, French Press, Hario V60, Moka pot, Vacuum Pot, Espresso

About Playground Coffee

Playground Coffee is a roastery situated in Hamburg, Europe's biggest port. They claim that their love for coffee stems from their love for quality raw materials. The coffee that Playground Coffee Roasters roast comes from all around the world, and is sourced by the owner of the roastery himself, Veljko Tatalovic. 

Playground Coffee isn't just a playground for the people working at the roastery, but its a fun and interactive experience for everyone who love trying new and unique coffee. The roastery switches up its offer regularly and enriches its portfolio with exclusive microlots from farmers they maintain long-term relationships with. 

Rediscover your inner child, and explore the coffee world of Playground Coffee roastery. 


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