by Coffee Source

5.0(4 votes)
Sold Out


Coffee Source
Coffee Origin
India specialty coffee India
Roast Type
Omni (recommended for both Filter & Espresso Coffee)
Flavour Profile
Jam, Dark Bitter chocolate, Honey tree
Roast Level
Brewing Method
Aeropress, Chemex, Clever dripper, French Press, Hario V60, Moka pot, Vacuum Pot, Espresso

About Coffee Source

 Coffee Source is a local Czech company committed to producing and selling speciality and conventional coffee. Despite the fact that good coffee basically consumes our entire lives, we do manage to focus on a lot of other important things around it. If we were to compare the market situation from when we were first beginning, to where we are now, it's easy to say that we've come a long way... and not just us. 

Coffee, like many other perishables, wasn't exempt from the increasing trend of consumers prioritising quality in the past couple of years. Coffee Source's story starts in 2003, when we (the current owners), got really frustrated by the lack of good coffee available in the Czech Republic and started our coffee business by importing La Marzocca coffee machines and beans from a small Italian roastery. These elite machines were an absolute revelation back then, as were we, full of energy and spirit, trying to promote our vision of this machine that cost about as much as 3 standard machines combined. Today we have a long list of satisfied customers, who could not imagine ever preparing an espresso on any other machine. Quite early on, we came to the realisation that the coffee we were importing from Italy isn't quite meeting our expectations. And so, in 2005, we started selling freshly roasted coffee. In the beginnings, we worked with local roasteries who roasted our coffee. Already at that point, more than half of all roasted coffee was produced by the "Gourmet" group. 

The logical progression was to buy our own machinery and start roasting our own coffee. We've been roasting in our own roastery since 2007. 

From that point on, we've had full control over the entire process of coffee production. We're constantly learning and improving our processes. Nowadays, we not only buy our coffee in harbours and ports but also directly at the coffee plantations. A part of our business is also an e-shop, which means you can order the coffee of your liking directly from the comfort of your own home. We also spend a lot of time on providing training for our staff and personnel in the coffee shops and restaurants where our coffee is consumed. We're also proud to have been a part of the birth of several microbreweries, to whom we provided roasting equipment, but also advice. In short, since the beginning, we've wanted to prepare the best coffee for the people who love coffee, and we do everything we can to ensure that they enjoy it in the future. Coffee Source is and will be the source of good quality coffee, and the most modern technology that's crucial for its preparation. 


Reviews (4x)

Reviews Total
5.0 / 5
Recommended by
4 out of 4 users
Jiri Verified Customer Show Original February 1, 2019
Under normal circumstances, India is known only for monsooned coffee, which is also very good (that is, if someone does it well). Then we have robusta, which, with exceptions, is on the border of drinkability.

Well, then there's this coffee. A wonderfully intense aroma, a taste that is only slightly weaker. Coffee Source roasted it excellently, according to my humble assessment, it probably can't be roasted any better.

The beautiful part is that, unlike African coffees that go slightly sour, this one has practically none. Just a great taste and smell and quite incredible intensity of both. I recommend, all ten.

I tested Aeropress and Kalita Wave. Both great.
Tereza Verified Customer Show Original March 2, 2018
The best india I've ever had. Very pleasant sweet taste. Prepared in Aeropress and V60.
Bronek Show Original April 2, 2017
Very pleasant fruity coffee.
Kamila Show Original March 27, 2017
The best Indian coffee I've ever had. I will definitely come back for her.


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About Farmer

Unnamalai Thiagarajan
About Farmer
Tato káva je ze sklizně 2016 a je kontraktována přímo s farmářem. Tento obchod je 100% fair!!!! Nejde o nákup nějakého loga, ale skutečné vynikající kávy od lidí, kteří dávají do produkce kávy celou svou duši a um. Káva je pěstována hinduisty, kteří se věnují své práci v pokoře a s respektem k prostředí ve kterém žijí. Šálek kávy z Balmaadi vám napoví více než tato slova. Balmaadi estate se nachází v regionu Nilgiris nalézaícím se v jižní části státu Tamil Nadu v Indii. Farma je součástí skupiny plantáží O'Valley, založených před 150 lety podnikavým skotem, Johnem Ouchterloneym. Tato oblast je domovem mystického kmene Toda (mnozí tvrdí, že jde o ztracený Řecký regiment Alexandra Velikého) V Baalmadi se pěstuje káva, čaj, kardamon a stevia v nadmořské výšce 1200-1800 metrů nad mořem. Káva v Balmaadi roste nejvýše z okolních plantáží. Keře se pěstují ve stínu původních stromů “shola” a ostatních jako ficus, albizzia, cedr. Po západu slunce je farma útočištěm pro divoká zvířata a na usedlosti se drží klid, aby zvířata nebyla rušena. Údolí je plné života, nedotknuté lidskou činností a je potřeba ho chránit před znečištěním používáním chemikálíí a moderních zemědělských technologií. Na farmě se používají pouze staré metody doplněné o Biodynamické postupy doporučené Rudolfem Steinerem. Když přijde Listopad, začíná sklizeň. Sklízí se pouze uzrálá zrna, ručně. Zrna jsou loupána, fermentována, máčena a sušena na slunci na stolech. Naše káva je zpracována suchou cestou natural. V žádném bodu zpracování, nejsou používány chemikálie. Pomalu schnoucí zrna v pergamenové slupce jsou balena do juta pytlů ve kterých vyčká při teplotě okolí na finální zpracování na čistou kávu. Baalmadi je malý producent vysoce kvalitní organické vysokohorské arabiky. Přísné standardy kvality jsou střeženy kávovými laboratořemi Bangalore a IMO, Switzerland, kteří jsou garanty kvality. Všichni v Balmaadi jsou vzděláváni v metodách pěstování organických plodin. Uvědomují si svou jedinečnost v porovnání s moderními konvenčními metodami a jsou rádi za hodnotu, kterou jim přináší jejich práce do života.